
Bridges & Tunnels

AllBridges & TunnelsBuildings & FacilitiesMotorways & HighwaysRail Systems

Project Description

The project includes Preliminary and Final Design Services for 48km (2×2) road.

Services Provided

  • Corridor Survey
  • Mapping Works
  • Determination of Horizontal and Vertical Alignment and Preparation of the Reports
  • Hydrological and Hydraulic Surveys
  • Bridge and Interchange Design
  • Hydraulic Culvert and Underpass Designs
  • Drawings and Preparation of Final Report
  • Drainage Works
  • Bill of Quantities
  • Traffic Studies
  • Landscape Design

Project Description

Establish a basis for the maintenance and repair costs that may arise only for the Bridges about urgent maintenance and repairs following the takeover of the operating rights and projected costs for the whole operation period of 25 years.

Services Provided

  • Preliminary Design of 60 km of Motorways,
  • Preparation of BOQ,
  • 25 year maintenance and operation cost of Suspension Bridges.
  • Report Preparation of the following issues:
    • Present Condition of Bridges
    • Urgent Maintenance & Repair Activities
    • Projected Inspection, Maintenance & Repair Activities
    • Traffic Diversion

Project Description

Detailed Design of a 49 Kilometer State Roadway.

  • 48.49 Km. 1/1000 scaled digital map production
  • 48,49 Km. road construction project
  • 48,49 Km. Research and Engineering Services
  • 5 adet (4565 m2) Services on Bridge Construction
  • 48 49 Km. Desioninq Traffic Project

Services Provided

  • Survey and Mapping
  • Engineering Structures
  • Hydrological Studies
  • Project Geotechnical Services
  • Drainage Design
  • Traffic Studies, Signalization

Project Description

Ağın Karamağra Cable Stayed Bridge Construction Supervision, Engineering Services and Consultancy Services (Main span: 280 m, Length: 520 m)

Services Provided

  • Supervision of Bridge & Structure Constructions
  • Supervision of Motorway Landscape Works
  • Supervision of Pavement and Earthworks
  • Supervision of Electric and Water Line Installations
  • Supervision of Lighting Works
  • Quality Control
  • Data processing and Documentation
  • Preparation of Final Accounts and Payment Certificates

Project Description

Detailed Design of a 72km, 2×1 – 2×2 Malkara – Hayrabolu – Alpullu – D100 Highway, Enhancing of Existing Road Standard, Investigation of Alternative Alignments and Rehabilitation of Road Pavement in various regions.

Project Details

Bridge, Culvert, Drainage Structures and Retaining Walls

Services Provided

  • Survey and Mapping
  • Engineering Structures
  • Project Geotechnical Services
  • Hydrological Studies
  • Drainage Design
  • Traffic Studies, Signalization

Project Description

Construction Supervision and Consultancy Services for 50km road.

Project Details

  • All types of drainage structures including bridges, culverts, retaining and flood protection/training works
  • All the work necessary for the construction and operation of the expressway.

Services Provided

  • Review and updating of the alignment studied by others
  • Supervision of Road Construction
  • Supervision of Road Barriers and Railings Mountings
  • Supervision of Pavement and Earthworks
  • Supervision of Electric and Water Line Installations
  • Supervision of Lighting Works

Project Description:

  • Preliminary and Detailed Design of 3,2 km tunnel(2×2)
  • Preliminary and Detailed Design 3 km approach roads
  • Preliminary and Detailed Design 2 interchanges
  • Tunnel Cross-sectional area (m^2) is 90/110
  • Tunnel Length is 3.176 m
  • Tunnel diameter is 10.40

Services Provided:

  • Survey & Mapping
  • Preliminary and Detailed Design of Highways and Tunnel
  • Geotechnical Works
  • Geology Report
  • Bill of Quantities
  • Specifications
  • Tunnel Support System
  • Electromechanical Works (ventilation, firefighting system, electrical signalization, tunnel controlling system)

Project Description

The Haybat Sultan Tunnel is designed to cross the Haybat Sultan Mountain and create a new corridor between the Erbil – Koya Highway, at existing Koisanjaq – Suleymaniye Road and existing Raniyah – Dukan / Suleymaniye road.

This section applies to the execution of New Austrian Tunneling Method (NATM) in any type of rock. This section does not deal with specific topics of rock classification. Excavation may be carried out by drill and blast using pre-split or smooth blasting techniques or by road header or tunnel excavator.

The New Austrian Tunnelling Method (NATM) is based on the principle to take utmost advantage of the rock`s capacity to support itself, by careful measures and deliberate guidance of the forces during the readjustment process from the primary to the secondary state of stress, which takes place in the surrounding of the excavation. By this way, local progressive loosening will be limited by careful excavation methods and timely installation of the support elements and the rock mass will be able to support itself. The supports elements are shotcrete, wiremesh, rock bolts and steel ribs.

The application of the NATM requires deformation monitoring for the purpose of stability assessment and the verification of the sufficiency of the support elements installed. The deformation monitoring is accomplished by means of advanced surveying methods and special devices.

Project Description

This project consists of detailed design for Haybat Sultan Tunnel

Scope of the Project:

  • Preliminary and Detailed Design of 3 km tunnel
  • Preliminary and Detailed Design 3 km approach roads
  • Preliminary and Detailed Design 2 interchanges

Services Provided

  • Survey & Mapping
  • Preliminary and Detailed Design of Highways and Tunnel
  • Geotechnical Works
  • Geology Report
  • Bill of Quantities
  • Tunnel Support System
  • Electromechanical Works (ventilation, firefighting system, electrical signalization, tunnel controlling system)


  • Design Length of Haybat Sultan Tunnel: Twin Tube, 3165 meter
  • Tunnel Height: 7.60 meter.
  • Tunnel Internal Area : 71 m²
  • Tunnel Circumference: 33 meter
  • Max. Avg. Wind Velocity: 9 m/sn
  • Passenger Car Traffic Density : 800 vehicle/hour
  • Heavy Vehicle Traffic Density : 1200 vehicle/hour
  • Road Width Inside Tunnel Tube: 8.50 meters ( 2 lanes )
  • Tunnel Horizontal and Vertical Geometry Design Speed : 120 km/hr
  • Allowable Speed In Tunnel : 80 km/hr
  • Tunnel Excavation Method : New Austrian Tunneling Method  (NATM)
  • Number of Emergency Vehicle Exit: 3 nos.
  • Number of Emergency Pedestrian Exit: 2 nos.

Fire Extinguishing System:

All the fire suppression systems shall be designed to the highly reliable, having low operation and maintenance costs, operable with few number of personnel and as automatic as possible.

Ventilation System: 28 number of jet fans are used in ventilation design.

Jet Fan Properties

Flow (m3/s): 26.3

Velocity (m/s): 33.5

Thrust: 1004

Power (kw): 30

Tunnel Electrical System:

Tunnel Electrical System Design consists of Tunnel Electrification and Lighting, Tunnel Emergency Announce System, Tunnel Emergency Call (Telephone) System, Signalization System, Tunnel controlling System.