Project Description
The project included preparation of preliminary and final design of (2×2) state highway approximately 27 km long. The design work has been based on upgrading the highway standards at those sections of the existing Ceyhan – Yumurtalık State Highway which lies south of Turkey. In addition to highway design sections, BOTEK also made improvements to the existing sections on the horizontal and vertical geometric standards.
The design work included the following: Topographical and other field surveys, structural evaluation and design, drainage and hydrological studies and design, soils and materials investigations, pavement evaluation and design, preparation of complete construction plans.
Project Details
11 at-grades interchanges
5 river bridges
1 overpass
Services Provided
- Review of Conceptual Design
- Field Surveys
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Design of Hydrological Structures
- Final Detailed Design of
- Ancillary Structures
- Drainage Design
- Cross Sections
- Bruckner Calculations
- Soil Investigation
- Traffic Study
- Preparation for the Bill of Quantities
- Assistance to State Highways Directorate on Tender Procedures