Türkiye- Alanya – Gazipaşa Ayr – Taşkent – Başyayla Road

Project Description:

The project includes preliminary and final design services for Alanya – Gazıpaşa separation and Taşkent – Başyayla separation road. 21.8km Surveying and Project Enginerring Services. 21.8km (433.50 Ha) 1/1000 Scale Mapping, 4 Viaduct (7167.63 m2), 1 Bridge Project (1257,42m2), 6 Single Tube Tunnel Project (8998,80m)

Category of the specific road section:  2×1 State Road.

Services Provided

  • Corridor Survey
  • Mapping Works
  • Determination of horizontal and vertical alignment and preparation of the reports
  • Hydrological and Hydraulic Surveys
  • Bridge and Interchange Design
  • Hydraulic culvert and underpass designs
  • Drawings and preparation of final report
  • Drainage Works
  • Bill of Quantities
  • Traffic Studies
  • Landscape Design