Project Description
Rapid traffic load increase derived from tourism, agriculture, and transit transportation required for a highway crossing study in Çanakkale Region. The Dardanelles suspension steel bridge with 2×3 lanes will provide a traffic flow which would ease the traffic problems of the region for the present and future.
Services Provided
- Geotechnical Survey
- Feasibility Survey
- Preliminary and Application Design
- Structural Detailed Design
- Drainage Design
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Cross Sections
- Service Area Design
Project Details
* Suspension Bridge
Suspension steel bridge 2×3 lanes
Total length 2196 m.
Span distances 1440 m.
Length of the approach span on each side: 378 m.
* Kilitbahir Side Approach Motorway
Motorway with 2×3 lanes (7 km)
1 Elevated interchange
1 At-grade interchange
1 Toll plaza
3 Twin Tube Tunnels;
T1 Tunnel: 1210.942 m + 1239.058 m
T2 Tunnel: 302.370 m + 307.630 m
T3 Tunnel: 428.986 m + 421.015 m
1 Bridge
* Çanakkale Side Approach Motorway
Motorway with 2×3 lanes (8 km)
1 Elevated interchange
1 Toll plaza
1600 m. Suspended Bridge Approach Viaduct
1 River Bridge
Intercity access road (5 km)
1 Roundabout
1 Bridge
Project Details
* Suspension Bridge
Suspension steel bridge 2×3 lanes
Total length 2196 m.
Span distances 1440 m.
Length of the approach span on each side: 378 m.
* Kilitbahir Side Approach Motorway
Motorway with 2×3 lanes (7 km)
1 Elevated interchange
1 At-grade interchange
1 Toll plaza
3 Tunnels total 2196 m.
1 Bridge
* Çanakkale Side Approach Motorway
Motorway with 2×3 lanes (8 km)
1 Elevated interchange
1 Toll plaza
1600 m. Suspended Bridge Approach Viaduct
1 River Bridge
Intercity access road (5 km)
1 Roundabout
1 Bridge